
How To Claim Banges Exploration Rewards Once in Tower of Fantasy


Unlock the Banges Exploration reward in Tower of Fantasy.

Do you want to know how to claim Banges Exploration Rewards once in Tower of Fantasy? In this guide, we’ll explain what you need to do to acquire this Wanderer’s Log achievement, including the type of missions that will get you one step closer to this goal.

How To Claim Banges Exploration Rewards Once in Tower of Fantasy

As you expand the map of Aesperia, you’ll come across Banges, an area that features various missions and unlockables within its domain. In addition, the Wanderer’s Log of Tower of Fantasy has a particular task that requires you to at least claim one achievement in the Banges Exploration Rewards.

To achieve this task, you must participate in certain events on this part of the map, such as doing missions with Spacerifts, Omnium Towers, and Ruins.

How To Claim Banges Exploration Rewards Once in Tower of Fantasy
Source: Hotta Studio via Twinfinite

Fortunately, players only need to gather 100 points in the Exploration progress bar of Banges, which is easy enough to accomplish if you recently started the game. But, make sure you are within this area’s vicinity, or you may end up in another location with its own set of tasks and achievements.

The best thing to do is walk around Banges to see what’s available since there are always Supply Pods to unlock and enemy bases to take down. You can also concentrate on a specific task, like looking for the six Scenic Points to take a picture or battling it out in the three Ruins.

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Once you’ve gathered the necessary points to obtain one Banges Exploration reward, you can go to the Wanderer’s Log and claim the achievement.

Source: Hotta Studio via Twinfinite

Now that you know how to claim Banges Exploration Rewards once in Tower of Fantasy, you can get started on this special game event. For more TOF content, you can check out the relevant links below, such as our guides about the game’s controller capabilities, daily server reset times, and how to fix ‘the Wanderer creation limit reached’ error.

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