
Is Steve Rodgers a Virgin? She-Hulk Answers This Burning Question


Did the heroic Steve Rogers have enough time to lose his virginity?

Captain America is a busy man with a life full of dangerous moments and intense battles, where he doesn’t have much room for anything else. So, could this mean that Steve Rogers is a virgin? Fortunately, a new scene from She-Hulk: Attorney at Law answers this long-awaited question.

Is Steve Rodgers a Virgin? Answered

If you stuck around for the end-credits scene of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, you’ll discover that Steve Rogers is not a virgin, despite his busy timeline of fighting wars and being frozen in ice. Bruce Banner confirms this by stating, “He lost his virginity to a girl in 1943 on the USO tour,” a fact that Jennifer Walters gets out of him after continuously asking him about the subject.

Before the show came out, Steve Roger’s virginity was first mentioned in a previous Marvel Entertainment snippet. In this scene, Jennifer goes through Captain America’s history, including the events of The First Avenger and his time as a fugitive after Civil War. Thus, resulting in the conclusion that he is a virgin after all this time.

Walters talks more about this theory in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, in which she feels bad for Steve Rogers’ sex life and makes a funny joke about his ass, a reference to Ant-Man’s famous Endgame line, “That’s America’s ass.” But, now that she has learned the truth about the situation, she is more than happy to hear about Captain America’s secret.

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We hope this guide answers the mysterious question about Steve Rogers’ virginity, and we can expect to learn more about the franchise with other She-Hulk episodes. While you are here, you can check out additional Marvel content by exploring the relevant links below and finding out who plays Jennifer Walters in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.

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