
Overwatch 2 All Characters, Will Overwatch 2 Have All Characters?

Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 video game is an upcoming first-person shooter game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment an industry-leading developer. The sequel to the 2016 hero shooter game Overwatch video game, the game is intended to have a shared environment for player versus player  (PvP) modes with the first game while introducing continuous cooperative modes. A significant change in PvP was to reduce team sizes from six to five, which required several characters to be reworked. 

OverWatch 2 All Characters

we listed the characters of overwatch 2 below

Sl.No Character Name
1. D.va
2. Doomfist
3. JunkerQueen
4.  Orissa
5. Reinhardt
6. Roadhog
7. Sigma
8. Winston
9. Wrecking Ball
10. Zarya
11. Ana
12. Baptiste
13. Brigitte
14. Lucio
15. Mercy
16. Moira
17. Zenyatta
18. Ashe
19. Bastion
20. Echo
21. Genji
22. Hanzo
23. Junkraat
24. McCree
25. Mei
26. Phara
27. Reaper
28. Soldier:76
29. Sombra
30. Symmetra
31. Torbjorn
32. Tracer
33. Widow Maker
34. Sojourn

Will Overwatch 2 Have All Characters?

It is obvious that players were waiting to know whether the characters are returning or not. If you are wondering about it then the answer is yes. All characters are returning. The Sequel confirmed that it will have every single character. The old characters and the New characters. The old characters will not be exactly the same there will be an update on their Visual, Gameplay, or Tweaks. You can play every returning character in Overwatch. 

Overwatch 2 New Characters

The Overwatch 2 had announced that they are going to include two more characters in the gameplay. Players are really excited to know about the new characters. For now, there are only 2 characters that are officially confirmed. We don’t know how many other characters are going to drop down before the release. We can expect there will be a consistent drop of new characters in the game. Let us take a look at the 2 new characters.

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1. Sojourn

Sojourn is the first new character that was officially confirmed alongwith the announcement of Overwatch 2. But from there we didn’t get any further information about the character but got some interesting details about the new character. Sojourn was a captain of overwatch previously. She is from Canada and joined during the golden age. She got some cybernetic brain upgrades. Her primary weapon is some form of an energized machine gun with two firing modes. The first firing mode is a simple automatic mode while the second one can be a concentrated bolt that you can charge and use for more damage. 

2. JunkerQueen

JunkerQueen was confirmed during the XBOX and Bethesda showcase in 2024. She is the new character added to the game’s roaster of tanks. She is from an abandoned robot factory Junkertown situated in the Australian outback. She has a shotgun and a massive battle Ax for close encounters. She can also throw a dagger at the enemy and have the ability to recall it to pull the enemy towards her so she can blast her enemy with her shotgun close enough.


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