
Skint Where Are They Now, All About The Series Skint

Skint The Series

Skint was released in 2005 on BBC One as a documentary series. The series discusses the lives of Britain’s poor, Homeless and Unemployed people and how they manage day to day with low job prospects and little money. The show broadcasted two series and an additional three special episodes. The first season contains 8 episodes while the second season has 5 episodes. The series was narrated by David Morrissey and Dean Lennox Kelly.

Skint Where Are They Now?

You are wondering about the main cast of the series. Let’s check out where are they now.

1. Vernon Burgess

Vernon Burgess was known for Skint. He is a musician now released a song called Vernon’s Song. The big issue seller was one of the colorful characters from Skint. Vernon says that he used to be a homeless person and also he sells big issues when he needs money. He spent a couple of years working as a nurse and now got better after treating some mental health issues.

2. Richard Finn

Richard Finn was featured in Skint. He was jailed in 2019 for 26 weeks for two offenses of assault. At the age of 45, on 24 September 2020, he was found dead and the initial post-mortem said usage of a drug was his cause of death. We only got the information about these two actors from the skint series. we will update further information about the cast when we get information. Bookmark this page for getting more information about the skint series cast.


BBC One is the corporation’s flagship network.  It is known for broadcasting mainstreaming programs. This British free-to-air television network was launched on November 2, 1936, Owned and operated by BBC. This is the world’s first regular television service, including the BBC News television bulletins, Primetime drama, entertainment, and live sports events.

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British Broadcasting Corporation Info

BBC is the national broadcaster of the United Kingdom. It is a state-owned and State controlled national broadcaster. It is the world’s largest and oldest broadcasting corporation. The headquarters is located in London. It was founded on October 18, 1922, by the HM Government.

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