
Wuthering Waves Characters, Check All Characters In Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Characters

Punishing Gray Raven developer Kuro Game just released the first glimpse of their upcoming project, Wuthering Waves. On May 30, Chinese developer Kuro Game finally released the first look of their new project, Wuthering Waves. With all its good characters, gameplay, and everything appearing in its official trailer, Wuthering Waves by Kuro Game and its release date becomes one of the most highly-anticipated mobile games. At first glance, you may think that Wuthering Waves has a gameplay that is eerily similar to Genshin Impact or Tower of Fantasy. While it may appear so, since this game is the extended version of Punishing Gray Raven, we can expect more upgrades with many extensive features within the game later. Unfortunately, Wuthering Waves is currently under development, so Kuro Game has yet to announce its official release date. 

All Characters In Wuthering Waves

In the character guides in this video game, from characters who wield swords, focusing on close-quarter character combat, to gunslingers who like to dig and push enemies from a distance, to even almighty fighters who depend on their summons to deal some damage, each of the characters in Wuthering Waves plays differently from one another. There is also a list of characters’ names that appeared in the technical test which is shown in Wuthering Waves Video Game.

Serial No  Characters  
1 Micai
2 Shanhua
3 Bailian
4 Jueyuan
5 Taohua
6 Maxiaofang
7 Yanyan
8 Rover

Wuthering Waves Game Wiki 

Game Developer Kuro Game has announced it is working on an open-world action RPG game named Wuthering Waves. The game is still developing early, but the studio has released several cinematic and gameplay trailers. The game’s official site also features some information and a few downloadable assets. There is no official information has been released, but the game takes place in a world devastated by a calamity. Players end the “cycle of calamity” by slaying Calamons with the Niellore blade. While we have no official update about the game release, it looks like an invincible dart, and there is a visual pathway when you perfectly dart an enemy’s attack in this game, we might be able to gain benefits from perfect dodging. Since there is a similar technique in the Punishing Gray Raven video game.

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Punishing: Gray Raven Gaming Wiki 

Punishing: Gray Raven is a mobile action role-playing genre game developed and published by the Kuro Game department. This video game was first released in China and Indonesia on December 5, 2019, and then on December 4, 2020, in Japan and SouthKorea. This video game was released globally on  July 16, 2021. Punishing: Gray Raven video game has players control a squad of up to three characters, known as “Constructs”, against various enemies in this game. Storytelling is presented in a visual novel game plot, while combat is a hack and slash action-based, with the player fighting some enemies in real-time in various stages in this game. Different colored Pings can be obtained during combat, which will fire off different skills. This game is Chaining three Pings with the same color will execute a powerful version of that skill of this video game. Many players may also avoid enemy attacks, which will trigger a bullet time effect upon successful dodging, allowing the pro player to land additional hits on the enemy in this game. You must avoid some attacks that consume stamina, preventing players from freely dodging all the time.


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