
Did Galadriel Swim All the Way Back to Middle-Earth in The Rings of Power?


Did Galadriel actually swim home in The Rings of Power? Here’s what you need to know.

So you’ve just watched the first episode of The Rings of Power, and that ending was absolutely epic, with Galadriel rejecting the Undying Lands and choosing to go back to Middle-Earth to continue hunting Sauron. But wait. Hold up, did Galadriel seriously jump off the boat and swim back to Middle-Earth? Here’s what you need to know.

Did Galadriel Swim Back to Middle-Earth in The Rings of Power?

No, Galadriel did not, in fact, swim all the damn way back to Middle-Earth. First, that would be pretty ridiculous, and second, I don’t think it’s possible even for a young, badass, basically immortal elf to swim for that long in the open ocean.

In the second episode of The Rings of Power, we see that Galadriel does actually attempt to swim back –bless her heart– but she eventually ends up on a raft with a few other shipwrecked humans. Most of those humans don’t survive for much longer, but Galadriel at least gets some reprieve from swimming in the ocean for literal days before she’s able to recoup and resume her journey back to Middle-Earth.

So, to sum things up, it seems like Galadriel didn’t have a plan when she jumped off the boat to the Undying Lands, and actually intended to swim all the way back if it killed her. Thankfully, it didn’t come to that.

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That’s all you need to know about whether Galadriel swims back to Middle-Earth. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more news and information on the show, including the meaning of the phrase “twos and hands”, and what Finrod whispered to Galadriel in the first episode.

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