Does Ready or Not have Controller Support? – Answered
VOID Interactive’s tactical SWAT first-person shooter title, Ready or Not has been a hit amongst players since its original release back in December of 2021, offering brutal and true realism not found in other shooters on the market. Currently, the game is a PC-exclusive title, and while many players enjoy using a mouse and keyboard for FPS titles, others prefer a good controller to do the job. So the question is, “does Ready or Not have controller support?”. Let’s talk about it and explain.
Does Ready or Not have Controller Support?
As it currently stands, Ready or Not does not currently offer any kind of controller support on standard PCs, unfortunately. Though it’s worth mentioning that the game is still in beta, so this capability is probable at a later time in its lifespan. Though it could be a while, as VOID Interactive is more focused on making the gameplay simpler on keyboard and mouse while maintaining a realistic approach, so controller compatibility would just complicate things currently.
When looking at the FAQ page on the VOID Interactive website, there’s a sentence that says, “alpha will not feature controller support out of the gate, but we will look to incorporate this later in the alpha life cycle. We do plan on giving controller support in the beta.”. This is a glimmer of hope, if not at the end of a long tunnel. Though controller support may come to the game eventually, who’s to say how long that will be? There are many games on Steam these days that have been in beta for years with no concrete full launch in sight, so this could take years to be implemented too.
There’s also been speculation on whether Ready or Not would be coming to gaming consoles eventually too, which would of course include controller support. Though it’s worth mentioning that there really isn’t any evidence to suggest this aside from a remark from VOID Interactive that there are plans to bring it to consoles in the future.
On the bright side, PC players that play Ready or Not on the Steam Deck will find the game’s compatibility with the handheld to be considered “Playable”. So, players can kind of play it with a remote right now, if they own a Steam Deck. It isn’t exactly what players may have wanted to hear as the only current means of some kind of controller compatibility, but at least it’s something.
So, unfortunately, the answer is no. Ready or Not doesn’t currently have controller support.
Related: Is Ready or Not Coming to Console? – Answered